Have you been putting-off the purchase of your new PC, only because you cannot stand to go through the pain of setting it up and transferring your whole life over? Well, there is a solution so keep reading!
PCmover by Laplink is the ONLY software that automatically transfers, restores, and upgrades all user selected files, folders, settings, user profiles, and even applications from an old PC to a new PC or operating system, including Windows 10.
The cool thing is, because most migrated applications are installed ready-to-use on the new PC, there’s usually no need to climb up the attic to find old CDs, previously downloaded programs, serial number or license codes.
It transfers files over your home wi-fi or wired network, and will be done within hours!
No more spending days setting up your new computer, making it feel like your old one!
Just leave the work to PCmover and enjoy the process.